Monday, January 07, 2008
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Episode VI
Everybody Meets FutureBoy
Well the voting was fast and furious...double digit votes were tallied within the first 24 hours (or really close to it)!
Final voting was for Spencer as FutureBoy at 7 votes edging out the mysterious "Someone Else" as FutureBoy at 6 votes. Daddy and Marty McFly each recieved 2 votes. Young baby Luca Blaze did not recieve a vote, but I think his daddy figured this out already....we'll see...
I want to thank you for voting, and putting up with my creativity
So it comes down to these answers...
1.) Spencer was sleeping just fine in his crib ubtill mommy came home from her business trip to San Diego.
This is replaced in the story with FutureBoy accidentally scaring him...simply meaning to look in on him from a flying DeLorean Time Machine hovering outside the window.
2.) Spencer's subsequent refusal to go back into his bed leads to a rift in the present space-continuum that needs to be righted by a certain date. (explained later in Episode VI as the begining of April - do you all remember the signifigance of April 8th in this family?)
3. And lastly the key moment occurs when Daddy turned comforting to FutureBoy in Episode V and at that moment another FutureBoy appears (signaling FutureBoy's success in repairing his original Space-Time Continuum) because "I forgot to say goodbye" as FutureBoy puts it...Futureboy's stake in all of this is that his existence is tied to that day in early April and he figured that Spencer needed to be in the crib and then later desperatley deciding to be more risky and just get Spencer out of the house so that.....
(keep scrolling)
Futureboy could be concieved!
That is right... this entire blog was simply a really confident way of announcing the expectancy of Baby #2!
So the correct answer IS "Someone Else" !!!
Is this what the six voters were thinking?
Here is some audio of a FutureBoy's heartbeat
The fact that April 8th came into play is just freakishly coincidental, but it figures. If you don't get how April 8th is coming into play here just give it a second you'll figure it out.
And yes the blog was started in January so I intended to keep it going until we saw the blue plus sign!
Serioulsly people - the thing is called Goodnight FUTUREBOY...
oh, and sorry mom but when you jumped to the correct conclusion immediately Jennifer wasn't actually pregnant yet - so I was telling the truth back in January.
And no, we don't know if it is a girl or a boy... and we wont know until approximately December 29th (the due date). It's just that the line from Back to the Future works better if the kid is a boy.
Please congratulate Jennifer when you can - she is very excited and is going to have to do all the hard work. Spencer is also excited about being a big brother. As for me, I am a bit apprehensive...why you ask...
We will be spending time this summer getting Spencer out of the baby room and potty trained, going to some baseball games and filming a video with Spencer and I as the stars as well as filming Spencer's third summer with his dad...
I gotta go - Jennifer is home from work so I have some feet to rub!
Take care everyone, thanks for reading!
And of course...
Posted by
Mr. Nez
11:57 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
Episode V
Daddy Meets FutureBoy
OK People,
Everything came to an abrupt end at the begining of April.
FutureBoy continued to not let me sleep, mommy and daddy got increasingly frustrated, both Grandmas and Grandpas were enlisted to help give mommy and daddy a break every once in a while - so they could get some sleep and have a normal dinner (together) for their anniversary.
FutureBoy always seemed really happy to see Grandma and Grandpa, and he always seemed happy to see me off when I would leave with them for a day or an overnight stay. Sometimes he would risk being seen by mommy or daddy so that he could say goodbye to me and tell me to have fun.
Once I even saw FutureBoy sorting laundry while mommy and daddy were handing me off to the grandparents. I thought that was really odd and risky behavior.
Then it happened.
Daddy was getting dressed and mommy was in the shower and I was playing in my old room (you know the one with that crib in it) and FutureBoy tried to run into my new bedroom and grab Zoe for me to take to the grandparents house.
Just then I heard daddy call out to mommy that HE was going to grab Zoe for me to take to the grandparents house.
He went into the bedroom that FutureBoy was in. I knew FutureBoy was in trouble. He always used the attic to sneak in and out of the house never the back bedroom, there is nowhere to hide in there...
I braced myself for trouble,
and here is what I heard.
There was a weak response from FutureBoy then I could make out Daddy's reaction:
Daddy asked some short questions like "How?" and "When?" a bunch of things like that. They started talking dates and then years and then some really technical stuff from that book FutureBoy gave me (in Episode I) and I heard daddy yell:
I guess being yelled at set FutureBoy off a bit and he got a little defensive and then daddy came back with:
Daddy lectured for a minute and ended with:
Then suddenly Daddy apologized and told FutureBoy that he would do everything he could but for now:
Daddy turned very comforting to FutureBoy, he sounded the same way that he sounds when he comforts me in the middle of the night, it made me feel better.
Just then a second FutureBoy appeared behind be and said: "Hey I forgot to say goodbye, but since I have a time machine I just came back to make sure I caught you before you went to the grandparetns"
just as FutureBoy gave me a hug Daddy came out with FutureBoy and since I had been listening at the door the whole time
he saw two FutureBoys...
I know daddy I've been there. It is weird to see two at the same time, but don't worry they are the same person...time travel is weird like that.
FutureBoy apologized and explained that he was on his way as well but they should all three talk for a minute back in the room.
When Daddy came out both FutureBoys were gone and I asked Daddy where they went:
I felt sad a bit that FutureBoy seemed to be gone forever and I wanted the book that he gave me as a comfort but daddy took it away and said:
Oh well it was fun while it lasted...
Time to guess... Who is FutureBoy?
I really want you to try and guess who Futureboy is - so I know I didn't make this all up for nothing.
Go back and look for the clues in the previous four episodes...
I have set up this terrific little voting poll for my thousands of viewers (rrrright...) to voice their opinion so vote early and vote often...
Final results of the voting will be given a few days so check back soon for the final installment of Goodnight FutureBoy!
Posted by
Mr. Nez
1:52 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Episode IV (A New Hope)
Zoe Meets FutureBoy
Allright everybody here is the deal...
I feel as though I am completely victorious over mom and dad with the whole crib thing. I haven't spent even a minute in there in months.
So I assumed that FutureBoy would be really up in arms about this. He has always been focused on getting me back in my crib.
But after a while things changed. Sure he seemed to get more and more nervous as I spent less and less time in my crib. But once it became apparent (around February or March) that my crib days were behind me. FutureBoy started changing.
I would try to sleep in the bed with mommy or daddy and FutureBoy would purposefully wake me up. He was always making me get mad and he wouldn't let me get comfortable. I don't know how but the bedroom I was in would always get to warm or I would get itchy, or he even tickled me when I was about to go into a good sleep.
I would cry to wake up mommy or daddy but he always disappeared before they opened their eyes. He is really good at hiding.
The month of March has been really hard on mommy and daddy.
FutureBoy eventually came to me one day while I was in my high chair eating some bologna
and said that he was sorry.
I just looked at him and waited for further explanation.
All he said was that he had to get this figured out in the next few weeks or everything would be over for him.
I had no idea what he was talking about.
I did notice that he spent more time listening in on mommy and daddy talking to grandma and grandpa.
Sometimes he would get frustrated some times he would be more pleased.
I know that when he got frustrated he would not let me sleep well at all.
FutureBoy would always apologize, but boy he sure is annoying at this point.
The other thing that has been happening is lots of mommy and daddy's friends are about to have babies. So i have seen quite a few tiny babies recently.
I like to say "baaaaybeee" really high and soft whenever we talk about them...or whenever I see a really small piece of food - it's a baaybeee piece of food.
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Hey, don't make fun I am just starting this whole "using words" thing.
I might not know how to express which food i want to eat each day
or what toy I want to play with each evening. But I am starting to piece together several words at a time and I can surely recognize which songs daddy plays that I really like.
FutureBoy can mess with me at night while were are all trying to get some sleep but I know he likes watching me have fun playing with the whole family...
He really seems to smile right along with me when I dance and sing...
I even caught him playing with my Zoe doll one night when I climbed out of bed and went looking for mom or dad in my old bedroom.
What a weirdo...oh well....
Posted by
Mr. Nez
8:25 PM
Friday, May 04, 2007
Episode III
Ciglio Meets FutureBoy....
Hola people!
I feel victorious.
I have completely convinced my parents to give up trying to put me in my crib.
Well, OK... I have convinced my mother. Dad still tries every once in a while, but mom comes through in the end and I have a nice safe warm parent to snuggle up to.
Remember, even though Futureboy seems like a pretty nice kid and all, if HE gan get up to my window somehow like he did that first time I saw him, that means someone else might too. And I am not staying in that room by myself anymore.
It was like a jail cell to me...
Since I dont have to worry about that anymore I have decided to learn a little more about FutureBoy. Or the FutureBoys, I'm still not really sure why there were two of them before...
Since the one FutureBoy really seemed to freak out when I hid behind the attic door in my room, maybe I can hide some more and get him to slip up and reveal a little about himself.
I am good at hide and seek, I play it with Daddy all the time.
So I hid behind my crib
FutureBoy found me right away.
I hid in my closet,
FutureBoy guessed where I was but instead of getting me, he would just make some noise and wake up mom and she would try putting me back in the bed. FutureBoy would always laugh at me when Mom got up like this. He would say:
I even hid downstairs (since I am so good at walking up and down stairs with out holding anyone's hand).
Eventually Futureboy found me, he was good at playing hide and seek and he seemed to really know his way around the house. How much snooping around has this kid done?
One day I put on my coat (all by myself which I am working on doing all the time) and tried to hide outside. But I remembered that it was really cold outside and there was a lot of snow. Which mommy told me was gone until next winter, but we seemed to get a whole lot more of it.
So I started closing doors behind me everywhere I went (another of my newly found favorite things to do - especially when playing hide and seek).
Again FutureBoy is a good seeker, and really he is a pretty good sport. He is never really mad when he finds me.
The most trouble I gave FutureBoy was when I hid in the tub.
Once he found me in the tub he sat on the floor and pulled me out and had this come up right behind him...
He was not frightened, he simply said:
"Hey old girl, It's been a while..."
Old? Cilgio just turned 5.
Why does he refer to her as OLD... Oh yeah he's from "the future", supposedly.
I don't know about that but, what did he mean?
Again that FutureBoy confuses me.
It took me a long time to fall asleep trying to think about what that statement meant....
So I reverted to an old trick to help me sleep...
Posted by
Mr. Nez
3:21 PM
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Episode II
FutureBoy Meets FutureBoy....
That daddy sure means business...
I tried to resist, but daddy is pretty persuasive when he wants to be.
When mommy went away on business (still not sure what that meant...) Daddy spoke to me very calmly and asked if I could be brave for him. He asked if I could put my head down and close my eyes. He asked if I could be quiet for him so he could get some sleep.
I tried...and what do you know...I could do these things!
When I wake up later and it is still dark he comes to me and changes my diaper and asks the same questions and I can't help but try... I can tell it makes daddy happy, especially in the morning!
Also daddy has figured out something that makes me really sleepy... Toe Jam!
Seriously, look at the effect it has on me...
Daddy was happy about my sleeping in my crib for four straight nights!
Then mommy came home.
Daddy took me out that day to get mommy a card for mommy's birthday.
This card really seemed to make mommy very happy.
I think mommy thought it was her fault when I realized that I didn't have my Zoe doll and refused to go back to sleep at night. I still don't know why they wouldn't give it to me. But after the first night of mommy being back I was not going back in that crib.
I decided to write a letter to mommy to try to explain all the reasons why I need my Zoe doll...
When I showed her the letter, she really didn't understand. I am not sure why, my writing was pretty well done and my drawings were some of my best yet...
Oh well....
One person who did seem to care about my Zoe doll was Futureboy.
FutureBoy seemed as pleased as my daddy about my sleeping in the crib again, maybe even happier. He was always hanging around when daddy wasn't in my room, hiding in the closet or going into the attic when daddy came in to put me back to sleep at night.
I'm not sure how I figured it out but I was had an idea that maybe FutureBoy had my Zoe doll. I have gotten used to him hanging around but I still don't really trust him...I mean - Who is this kid really anyway? he probably got jealous of Zoe and took her away, maybe he wants all the credit for keeping me asleep at night.
This is when I decided to take matters into my own hands.
I was going to brave like daddy asked, but this time it was a bit more dangerous...
After bed time one night when mommy and daddy were both snoring loudly, I woke up. With great effort and skill I jumped out of my crib and landed right on my Marty the Monkey chair!
I couldn't believe I did it!
Apparently neither could FutureBoy. When he came in from the attic and didnt see me in the crib and didn't see me in bed with mommy and daddy he freaked!
And then things got weirder.
Just as he came running back into the room from the hall, he also came back into the room from the attic again...
that's right, now there were two FutureBoys standing in my room looking at each other!
One on my right...
And one on my left...
The newer FutureBoy seemed more calm about the fact he said to the original FutureBoy:
"Calm down and just keep looking for him, try downstairs!"
Original FutureBoy said:
"What are you doing here? You know what running into my future self could mean to me!"
New FutureBoy just said:
"Yes, I know...that's wht you should just keep looking and act like you never saw me... Besides I already know you'll find him soon. Go look down stairs. And don't trip over the dog this time or you'll wake up the dog and start a chain reaction of event that could lead to us being...
And as soon as the Original FutureBoy went out of the room the newer FutureBoy closed the attic door that covered me in the first place, which is why original FutureBoy never saw me there.
Newer FutureBoy smiled calmly and handed me my Zoe doll. He said mommy forgot to tell daddy that it was in the coat-closet at daycare on Friday and she was there until now.
He picked me up and put me in bed.
He said the same things daddy brave for your daddy now and go to sleep...put your head down...close your eyes...go to sleep Spencer...then he added:
" and no more jumping out of your crib...Marty won't always be underneath you."
I was still kind of confused but those familiar words and my newly returned Zoe doll had me calmed enough to give it a shot.
Mommy and Daddy would probably think I just slept though the night.
Even though this night may prove to cause more sleeplessness trying to figure it did make me tired.
How did FutureBoy know anything about where Marty the Monkey would be...
Whatever, he did bring Zoe back...
Posted by
Mr. Nez
1:21 PM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Episode I
Spencer Carlyle Meets FutureBoy....
Hello peoples. My name is Spencer Carlyle, and I do not sleep alone!
I don't sleep in some dark room, confined by bars, with no one else around.
I go to sleep with either my mommy or my daddy (usually mommy). When I wake up several times in the night to check, I like to make sure one of the 'rents are around by kicking at an exposed body part. It makes me feel better if a warm dutiful body is keeping me safe.
I bring this up because a few months ago I was really scared by some older kid who was staring at me in the middle of the night from outside my bedroom window. When I started screaming he disappeared, but I absolutely refused to spend another night in that room alone. Don't let the nice little polka dots fool you. This resembles a jail cell don't you think?
Well I am not going to go back in there no matter what.
And why should I? Look at the options I have instead:
This is my new bed in my new room. (the 'rents still call it the "spare bedroom" but we all know it's mine now, just look at my new pillows)
And this is my second favorite place to sleep - mommy and daddy's bed.
As you can see, there really is no need for me to go back to "the cell". I know mommy or daddy will keep me safe from any kid scaring me in the middle of the night.
Oh yeah...about that kid...
He came back recently.
Now, don't be too alarmed. He's not stalking me outside my window anymore. He acutally came in and talked to me.
Now remember, I'm like... not even two years old so if you don't use phrases I am familiar with I tend to not be able to understand you. So as this kid rushed through his explanation, very little of it went through one ear and stuck around long. Actually, he was kind of interrupting me while I was eating my mac & cheese.
What I did understand from the blabbering idiot wasn't much. But one thing he kept repeating was crib, crib, crib. Plus, he did a lot of apologizing. He hangs around alot while I'm eating and pops in while the 'rents are preparing my next bowl of mac & cheese. One funny thing about it is - if I am done eating before he gets a chance to finish talking he tells me to ask for "more". This word "more" is pretty handy. I say more and mommy or daddy goes and gets another helping of whatever I say "yes" to. Then it's another minute of really rushed apoplogizing and some kinda annoying soothing talk about...crib...blah, blah....crib. If I am not hungry for this last helping of conversation extender I just put it in one of the compartments of the high chair I sit in, or I put it on the seat next to me. If they bring me more drink I whip the cup to the floor...It makes a fun loud sound...and mommy and daddy seem to be entertained by hearing themsleves say "uh oh!".
Anyway...where was I? It turns out my new "friend" seems genuinely sorry for scaring me and just seems really concerned about getting me back to sleeping in the crib.
Oh yeah and get this...
He says he's from the future.
Really!? He just kind of gave me a big head ache with that last bombshell.
After laughing at him for a good long while, I signaled for the end of meal wiping-up with: "All done!" He left me with a book. He said it might convince me he is for real and that he would need it back.
Now I love books, especially the ones with animals or Elmo or some other Sesame Street monsters. This book made no sense to me and I have no idea why he left it for me. What a "Flux Capacitor" is I'll never know!? The thing read like a manual for a car...boring!
'Turns out the new visits have coincided with my dad's attempts to leave me in the crib - alone - in the dark - and while mommy is out of town. He better be trying pulling a mean joke on me.
I wonder if my new friend knew about this? And who is this kid anyway? I'm going to sleep as soon as my daddy gives in and takes me to the real bed. I guess I'll find out more next time dady refills my mac & cheese.... he better not be messin' with me.
I've had enough practical jokes for one evening. Goodnight Futureboy.
Posted by
Mr. Nez
6:11 PM